Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Spacing after

Is how many spaces you wante after you are done with a sentence.

Small caps

Capital letters set at the x-height of the font.


The slope of a line describes its steepness.

Slides/Outline pane

The outline pane would show you the other slides you made.

Slide Show view

Is when it shows you the slide one by one.

Slide pane

Slide pane is the scoll bar to check the other slides you haved made.

Slide master

All slides are created using the fonts, colors and graphics in the slide master.

Slide Master view

When you are viewing the slide master.

Sizing handle

When you want to make the image or text bigger or smaller by using the sizing handle which is the dots around the image.


Is when you skip one line to the next.

Simple Payback Period

It refers to the period of time required for the return on an investment to repay the sum of the original investment.


Is the eighteen letter of the greek alphabet.

Shortcut menu

A menu for a specific object, that pops up when you right click the name, its is also called the context menu.

Serif fonts

The type of fonts that has strokes at the end and edges of the symbol.


For the user to select its option.

Select query

It retrieves the information that you want from one or more tables in a database.


A part that is cut off to be seperated.

Scroll bar

Scroll bars are used to scroll verticalor or horizontal.


Is a graphical interface that a small text box when the mouse pointer is hovered over an icon.

Sans serif fontswex

Is a typeface that does not have those small features called serifs.

Rotation handle

Is a handle where you can rotate the image, you need to click and hold the little green dot on the picture above and just turn it left or right to make it rotate.


When the lines start at the left margin to the righ margin.

Rich text format

A format from Microsoft for exchange of documents between word and other document preperation system.

Reviewing pane

To see such items that are hidden such as text box deleted graphics.

Restrict permission

It can open documents only if the user knows the password.


Is an announcment or a statement.

Relative cell reference

Is one that changes when the formula is copied.


A connection or asssociation.

Relational database

A collection of data items organized as a set of formally-described tables from which data can be reassembled in different ways.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Referential integrity

It will make sure that the tables will remain consistant and there is no changes aloud unless there is a corresponding record in the linked table.


More than one collection of data items arrange for proccessing by a program.


A collection of data items arranged for proccessing by a program.


A set of value for a variable.

R-squared value

Its saying how good one term is at preidicting another.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Quick style gallery

Is a faster way to go into the gallery and let you choose the kind of style you want.

Quick Access toolbar

It provides a shortcut such as open, save and etc so its more easier for the user.


Queries is a question mark.


It will show the computer system properties such as its settings.


A software that runs in the computer.

Print queue

To view, pause, resume, restart and cancel print jobs.

Print driver

Controls printer functions and its output.

Primary key field

Is an identifier for the database records.

Present value

A value given in the future payment.


When the paper is longer from up and down side.

Portable Document Format

It captures document text, fonts, images from a variety of application.


The unit of length for text characters.

Plain text format

Plain text is rather plain because you can't you any styles such as bold, italic, or underline or even different fonts or size.


A place where you can type in a text. Where all those 4 arrows are pointing are the place holders.


The small little dots is what makes up the image.